Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 8th (3.01.15), Sunday, Second Week of Lent

Genesis 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18, Psalm 116: 10, 15, 16-17, 18-19, Romans 8: 31b-34, Mark 9: 2-10

Throughout my life, I have struggled to balance science with my faith in God. Try as I might, the engineer in me couldn’t get beyond the dogma of the church. Further, I have led a very blessed life – never needing to draw upon a spiritual well to surmount the challenges I have encountered. That is, until I became a mother.

As other mothers can attest, the physical and emotional challenges can often seem insurmountable. Subsuming my entire being to care for an infant and a toddler was the first serious test of my fortitude and capacity for love. While my test was not nearly in the same league as that of Abraham, I found myself needing to trust in God. I realized that He would provide what I needed to get through that time, if I would only have faith.

That is when my spiritual journey – to get beyond the dogma – truly began. It started with a wonderful experience in St. Raymond’s RCIA program and continues today with reading, reflection, and prayer. I have come to believe that to bridge the divide between a perfect God and imperfect man, God sent us his son to show us by example how to lead our lives. Jesus was humble and loved everyone, the lowliest most of all. He suffered as we suffer. And though he questioned God, as any of us might, he ultimately trusted in God to guide him. So I have learned to trust in God.

Now rather than ask God for things I want to happen, I spend more time listening, trying to discern how he might be trying to guide me. I’ve found the balance I was seeking – and will continue on my journey seeking an even richer relationship with God.

Sann Knipple, mother of two, wife, engineer

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