Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18th, Wednesday, Third Week of Lent

Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9, Psalm 147: 12-13, 15-16, 19-20, Matthew 5: 17-19

After studying the readings for today I couldn’t help but be challenged by them. Is it right to question and challenge a law of either our church or state? As most people, I realize that rules and laws are necessary to maintain a civilized society. There are also times in my life that I feel “rules were made to be broken”.

When writing the constitution, our forefathers couldn’t foresee what additional amendments would be needed. Additional amendments have abolished slavery, insured that the rights of citizens would not be denied on account of race or color and gave women the right to vote. When rules or laws are made they reflect a time in our society and our development as a nation or church. Without challenging the laws written by our forefathers, the outcome of our recent presidential election would never have taken place. The line in Deuteronomy that resonated within me was; “Surely this great nation is a wise and discerning people!”

Jesus came and challenged his followers and taught us that one of the greatest laws of our faith is to love one another! On face value people might say that this is easy but as you reflect on your own lives is it really? Love brings with it both hope and challenge. At times, living within the rules of our Catholic faith is challenging for me. To be honest there are some in which I don’t understand or agree. Is it right to question these rules? I have found that by questioning them I have grown so much in both my knowledge and faith. I know that if I can remember to live my life loving others, questioning is good and can truly bring amazing change. With God all things are possible!

Michelle Steacy, Wife & Mother

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