Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17th, Tuesday, Third Week of Lent

Daniel 3: 25, 34-43, Psalm 25: 4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8 and 9, Matthew 18: 21-35

When our children were young we took long driving vacations every summer. We packed the car with everything we could possibly use. After living out of a suitcase for two weeks we felt we were in exile with too much baggage to carry.

In today’s first reading, the Jews are in exile. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon built a golden idol and ordered anyone who failed to worship the idol be placed in a white-hot fiery furnace. Three young Jewish men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to worship the idol. They will not worship any God other than the God of their fathers. In the furnace, they sing God’s praises and empty themselves of the baggage they’ve carried, admit their sins, and ask for God’s forgiveness. Because of their faith and honesty they are not harmed.

In the Gospel, Peter asks, “How many times must I forgive my brother. Seven times?” Jesus responds, “forgive him seventy times seven.” We must treat each other with love and compassion from our heart.

Like the traveler, we burden ourselves with baggage. We start collecting baggage when we are young and add to our load as we grow. Our baggage takes on many forms. Hatred, jealousy, and racism are only a few. In order to serve God we must not only forgive our brothers, we must leave the baggage we carry behind.

The Jews have a nice custom. Before asking for God’s forgiveness you must go to the person you have harmed and ask for their forgiveness. Only then can you ask for God’s forgiveness and go about doing God’s work with a loving heart.

Lay down the baggage that burdens you. Love God, love your neighbor, and then do something about it.

David Levene, husband of Lore, father of Erik and Dana, grandpa of Sarah

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