Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26th, Thursday, Fourth Week of Lent

Exodus 32: 7-14, Psalm 106: 19-20, 21-22, 23, John 5: 31-47

Approximately two years ago Father Bernie presented a challenge to the men of Saint Raymond Parish: MAC, Men of Action and Contemplation.

I went to the formation meeting to listen to the presentation. The idea: A group of men would meet at a prescribed time and location on a regular basis to read and discuss Scripture passages using a book called ACTION by Mark Link S.J. It is a contemporary look at Scriptures in a daily format. We now use VISIONS also by Link.

I had not done anything like this and thought that it would be good for me to try it out, I am retired and my involvement with the Church is going to mass on Sunday.

We started out with five of us in the group, it is now six. We meet once a week for one hour. We read the passages beforehand to be prepared to discuss them. This experience has opened me to an awareness of God in my life. He manifests Himself through the men in the group. We have become friends who care for each other and our families.

I see Jesus in a whole new way, I have grown closer to Him, I have learned to talk with Him, to thank Him for Today. I feel He understands my concerns for my self, my family, the choices I have made, in my life.

I am a cradle Catholic so all this was handed to me. It's great now to have rediscovered Jesus In my life, as someone I have actually looked for and prayed for.

I enjoy this program and feel it is helping me to become the person God meant me to be.

Bill Gordon, married to Joan, three children

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