Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3rd (2.24.15), Tuesday, First Week of Lent

Isaiah 55: 10-11, Psalm 34: 4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19, Matthew 6: 7-15
In today’s readings, we learn that “Yahweh hears our cries and rescues us from all our troubles. He heals the brokenhearted and helps those whose spirits are crushed,” and “If you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours.” These words were brought home to me when our staff at work went through a major reorganization and we were shifted around and had to give up lots of space to make room for new administrative offices. People were promoted who we felt weren’t qualified. When we questioned what was happening, we were told to “think outside the box.” We were tempted to put a few people inside the box, close the lid tightly, and never look back.

After retelling this story over and over for months on end to anyone who would listen, especially to my very patient husband, and after many sleepless nights, I finally grew tired of feeling angry and resentful. During a reconciliation service, I mentioned that I had a hard time forgiving some people at work. Fr. Bernie replied that some situations are too big for us to handle alone and that we have to let go and give them over to God. I decided to give it a try. As soon as I asked God to show me how to forgive and really meant it, I immediately felt lighter. A peace came over me that I was not capable of creating for myself. God heard my cries and I was able to make peace with a difficult situation that I had no control over except how I reacted to it.

Lent is a good time to ask ourselves what is holding us back or making us feel burdened, angry, or resentful. If we look at Jesus on the cross, we know He is the ultimate role-model in showing us how to forgive others. If we can open ourselves up to God’s healing power throughout Lent, Easter will truly become a new beginning for us.

Cathy Niemet, Adult Literacy/Volunteer Manager, wife of Tom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy,
I so related to your reflection! When we keep peace and forgiveness in our heart, we allow room for daily miracles to grow. I try to remember this, but some times, especially at work, it can be tough. I hope all at work is okay for you now. :)