Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1st, (2.22.15) Sunday, First Week of Lent

Genesis 9: 8-15, Psalm 25: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 1 Peter 3: 18-22, Mark 1: 12-15
Today’s first reading spoke to us personally. Shortly after we started dating, Dina contracted spinal meningitis while away at college. Many medical decisions consumed our days, and Dina was not coherent for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Family and friends hoped for the best, but feared for the worst. Being 500 miles away, all Dave could do was fall into fear or hold onto hope and pray. Dave went for a walk and began asking God to heal Dina, and give him peace of mind in the days to come. God’s response was a beautiful rainbow! We took this rainbow as a sign of God’s covenant and it helped us both to trust in God’s purpose and timing.

Of course not all signs can be as obvious, but the first reading reminds us not only of God’s covenant to us; but also to see God as communicative. Since communication is a 2-way street, we had to ask ourselves: “How well are we listening“?

With a family of five, our jobs, activities at church, school, etc. and a fast-paced world, we are pressed for time and attention on all fronts. With so much going on and so much information available, what is the basis for our decisions: knowledge or faith? At what point do we turn off the brain and listen with the heart?

Dear Lord, as we try to balance our roles and fulfill our promises as husband, wife, parent and colleague, let us value our moments with you. We may not have 30 minutes to reflect on your Word, but please help us to value the 5 minutes it takes to appreciate a rainbow and listen to your guidance. Please help us to trust in your purpose and timing for our lives and lead us a few steps back to find the rainbows.

Dave/Dina Petricca, Network Architect/Physical Therapist, parents of three

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