Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27th, Friday, Fourth Week of Lent

Wisdom 2: 1a, 12-22, Psalm 34: 17-18, 19-20, 21 and 23, John 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30

Wisdom 2 suggests life is about the truth and seeing past the facade that often times obscures the truth.

Psalm 34 is much more of a story about the evolution of the human spirit and how we are as humans always evolving to new awareness.

The John 7 story is about growing into the person you want to become and how your role in life is shaped by the circumstances that support it.

This story about Jesus is one that I can relate to because I often find myself called to events or activities that I initially resist. I am either not sure that I have the time or really prepared to fully participate but when I do attend, I wind up grateful for having participated. I have come to the realization that I am not always in charge of how my life unfolds and that there is a certain rhythm that I am drawn into. If I flow with that rhythm I end up experiencing something new and joyful and if I resist then the outcome usually turns out to be less fulfilling than expected. When I trust and allow my life to be divinely directed and see it as being shaped and supported by every day events and circumstances, I open the door for increased spiritual growth and awareness and joy. I do not always know what to expect but when I resist from a place of fear, it compromises my opportunity for joy.

Recently I had the occasion to learn from my children something I thought I understood. It was a momentary work of art, a simple story that my children told me. I was not seeing them for who they were but who they could become if I helped them. When I asked them about it they explained to me simply that they were kids and it was their job to be kids; it was what they do and it was ok. A rather simple statement, but for me the message was profound. As a parent I thought I was here to guide my children but what has become true for me is that if I simply listen to my children they are here to guide me.

David Cole and his wife Eileen live in Mount Prospect and have three children

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