Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6th, Monday of Holy Week

Isaiah 42: 1-7, Psalm 27: 1, 2, 3, 13-14, John 12: 1-11

In today’s Gospel, I see two different paths in life that each one of us could take. We can be like Judas; a person who has his or her own agenda, only concerned about himself and what’s in it for him. When times are good we are on top of the world, but when things go bad we blame God. Or we can be like Mary who is so grateful for just the little things in life and cannot express her gratitude enough to our Lord.

When I was younger I too had my own agenda. I wanted to have all these “Things”, but when I had my accident 21 years ago that left me as a quadriplegic, my whole agenda changed and so did my relationship with our Lord. There was never a time in my life that my faith was tested as it was then. I was to get married that following week, I had a great job and I was making good money. I had the “bull by the horns” and life was good.

Through my journey in life I rely on our God everyday knowing that things are under control even when things seem rocky. I am grateful for the little things in life, as well as the many obstacles that come my way. Sure I would like my life to be different, so would anybody who has crosses to bear in their life. But I deal with the “now” and try to do the best I can with the limitations I have. I am blessed with having my wife Beth, my daughter Katie and family and friends to get me through what life throws at me, but without my faith in my Lord life would not exist.

Cherish what you have, as little as it seems, and know that when life throws you a curve ball our God is right behind you ready and willing to help if we just ask.

Mike Ryan, married 19 years to Beth, one daughter Katie

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