Sunday, April 12, 2009

2009 Lent Booklet Contributors

Debbie Petitt, Carole Monaco, Todd Nuelle, John Cichon, Dave & Dina Petricca, Jackie Holcomb, Cathy Niemet, Betty Weidenbach, Margaret Novotny, Jeanne Mathews, Charman Brennan, Sann Knipple, Jim Barrett, Marty Mueller, Julie Pearson, Terry Harmon, Kathleen Schafer, Valerie Yokie, Luke Kehoe, Kathy Ritchie, Dave Levene, Michelle Steacy, Kathleen Ehret, Sue Baackes, Steve Gonczy, Kathy Hemler, David & Colleen Sztuk, Al Moreno, Joan Dowling, Bill Gordon, David Cole, Carla Spanier, Stephanie Kenny, Mark Roach, Fred Cecala, Eleanor Sheehy, Jo Mazik, Shawn Moore, Nancy Daly, Janine Durbin, Mike Ryan, Jack Grott, John Wilbrot, Bill Doucette, Tim McDermott, Tom Nolan, Jack McDonnell.

On behalf of the Lenten Team (Fr. Bernie, Sr. Dee, Deacon John, Marty Mueller and myself) I want to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful people who were willing to participate in this project. Your time, dedication and insights are truly inspirational. Special thanks to our booklet reviewers, Sr. Dee, Fr. Bernie, Carla Spanier and Roberta Nichols.

In the love of Christ,

Fr. Rodolfo G. Ramirez

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