Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3rd, Friday, Fifth Week of Lent

Jeremiah 20: 10-13, Psalm 18: 2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7, John 10: 31-42

This Psalm reinforces to me how God can speak to us and give us strength. I would like to share an experience I had last year.

The week before my 14th birthday my six year old sister Patricia, was hit and killed by a car while crossing the street next to our house.

Months after this tragedy, one of my dearest friends Robin was diagnosed with jaw cancer. I vividly remember her at my house as she began to struggle with her diagnosis. She was asking my mom and me how, as a family, we were able to deal with our grief. She mentioned that she was not afraid of death herself, she was more concerned about her family and how they would cope. She was especially interested in how my parents had endured the loss of a child. She copied down some of the poems and prayers we had framed with my sisters picture. My mother was very gentle as she explained that it would be something that they would never be able to get over, but that with faith the pain would be lessened. She was reassuring and comforting as she said that God would hold her and her family in his palm as they embraced her treatments and eventually death. My dear friend passed away my sophomore year in high school after her struggle with this cancer.

When my dad was battling lung cancer, while on the drive to Iowa, suddenly her name burst into my head. It was as if someone had shouted it. I was flooded with memories of my friend, and began to pray to her for some strength. Shortly after this experience, my father passed away. At his crowded wake, standing in the grievance line, I saw a woman (she looked to be in her thirty’s), ask one of my children something. They pointed to me, and she headed towards me. I had no idea who she was. She explained that she was Robin’s younger sister. She said that Robin speaks to her often, mostly in her dreams. She said that Robin wanted her to come and give both my mom and I messages. To me, she said that Dad and Tricia were together, and they were happy and fine. She had me take her to my mom, where she told her that Robin wanted her to know that “she was right”. Mom said that she didn’t know what that meant. Robin’s sister said that she didn’t know either, that it was just what Robin wanted her to say. Mom and I can only think that she was trying to say that God did take care of all them, as He held them in the palm of his hand.

Shawn Moore is married to Tom; they have been blessed with 4 children, Tommy, Cody, Megan, and Shannon

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